Machine "Healing"

    All forms of machine life possess self-repair subroutines. Thus, a machine left for dead might eventually repair itself. Sheens effect internal repairs at a rate of 1d4 hp per twenty-four hours. Moreover, sheens continue to effect repairs even when brought below 0 hps. Self-repair subroutines are scrambled if a sheen is brought below -10 hps, at which time it is truly "dead."


Magic Susceptibility

    All forms of machine life are unsuited to resist magic, but their lack of POW makes them immune to all spells requiring a Resistance Roll Vs POW.  Spells that do physical damage inflict +1 damage per die of magical damage delivered.
    Note: Certain spells that normally require a Resistance Roll if cast on a living being will work automatically on a sheen. Example: a Crack spell will automatically destroy a sheen with out roll.