Evening 1

Well, I finally started the campaign I've spent the past few years gearing up for last night, and things got off to a fairly smooth
beginning. Thusfar, our cast of characters includes:

Greykhan, human initiate of Obad Hai, beastmaster of the Wegwier;
Ivan, Suloise initiate of Norebo, psionicist, and appraiser of quality goods (Duchy of Urnst);
Kalik, halfling initiate of Avoreen (Duchy of Urnst);
Milik, halfling sorcerer (he wasn't always a halfling, though...)(Duchy of Urnst/Nyrond);
Kaganost, wemic apprentice shaman, originally from Hepmonaland;
Toriesh, avariel apprentice shaman (as yet unstated totem), exiled ducal heir of an unnamed avariel city high in the Yatils;
and finally
-<>-, unnamed nalshavel orc. (Player was absent this week).

[7th of Brewfest, 575]

The evening began with the characters, only some of whom were familiar with one another, sitting down together at a tavern in Greyhawk city to listen to the proposal of a mage who gave his name as Marcus concerning  the retrieval of some trinket; they remember agreeing to a  non-disclosure agreement, then suddenly their positions changed (different seating, different tavern, everybody in slightly different garb, autumn has turned to winter, etc.) and Marcus is thanking them for their quick work while one of his bodyguards distributes their pay. He quickly sashays out, leaving the bewildered group wondering exactly what
has happened.

Examining their equipment, each seems to have acquired a minor magical item of one sort or another, and questioning the bartender reveals that they are now in Safeton, and have been for several days. Ivan uses his psychometry on several of the items the party has collected, determining that most of the prior owners of these items were goblins (minor spell matrices in every case). The only two items obviously not of goblin manufacture are an ivory wand useful in casting sorcery and a patch of
human (?) skin with a large black bird tattoo (possession of the tattoo allows the user to cast a vision enhancing spell on himself).

(Jokes flew around the table regarding the infamous 'Head of Vecna' at this point... but nobody seemed over willing to try and graft the patch of skin onto themselves).

Ivan managed to fumble his psychometry roll while examinging the piece of skin, and is temporarily very paranoid whenever he sees more than 2 crows or ravens together in any one place.

Deciding that powerful magic had been used to obscure their memories of the past, they sought out the priests of Weejas, who couldn't do much more than confirm their suspicions that their memories of certain events had, indeed, been wiped away. The temple graciously accepted their donations and sent them on their way.

(This pretty much wrapped up the evening, as we spent about an hour finishing characters and spending starting funds; I fully expected dice projectiles when after agonizing over how to spend their money, I hand them more five minutes into the game...)

[6th of Ready'reat, 575]

And thanks to whoever it was who gave me the idea for the intro for this adventure... it worked like a charm. :)