Evening 2

Greykhan, human initiate of Obad Hai, beastmaster of the Wegwier;
Ivan, Suloise follower of Norebo, psionicist, and appraiser of quality goods (Duchy of Urnst);
Kalik, halfling initiate-in-training of Avoreen (Duchy of Urnst);
Milik, halfling sorcerer (he wasn't always a halfling, though...)(Duchy of Urnst/Nyrond);
Kaganost, wemic apprentice shaman, originally from Hepmonaland;
Toriesh, avariel apprentice shaman (as yet unstated totem), exiled ducal heir of an unnamed avariel city high in the Yatils;
and finally
Murray, nalshavel orc, wizard; (actually a member of a spirit race I've dubbed the Nephar, who in a curious heterodyne with RtWPM perfected the type of spell Keraptis was working on at one point - but that's another matter).

[7th of Ready'reat, 575]

We rejoin our circus troupe in the city of Safeton, where they had been attempting to ride out the winter. As Needfest approaches, men of the Watch, stationed along the southern and western roads to the city begin to disappear, and when patrols are reinforced, several are found slain by spear-thrusts delivered by creatures presumably smaller than a man.

One night, [9th of Fireseek, 576], an actual spear point (severed from the shaft) is recovered beneath one of the bodies, but Ivan refuses to examine it with his psychometry, so most of the group decides to stake out the South Road and look for trouble (Ivan remians behind in the city, losing money at gambling but getting lucky with the ladies). As soon as Celene drifts behind some clouds, a group of goblins steals out of the nearby woods and begins approaching the city. The group decides to hide in a smaller patch of trees between the goblins and the city (which works out, because the goblins were heading there, anyway).

Shrugging off the arrows the party lets fly, the goblins close to melee range and, upon sighting Murray the nalshavel, let off a ululating cry that summons a larger force of orcs and goblins from the distant woods. Beseiged by seven opponents, Murray is soon unconscious and bleeding to death, while Milik the sorcerer, who has climbed a tree for a better vantage, fumbles his casting roll and winds up falling out of the tree and breaking his leg (GM note - the player of this character is continuing a trend that began in a previous campaign, where he was always getting legs smashed, cut off, or broken).

Under pressure of overwhelming odds, the party decides to bug out, Kaganost the wemic dragging the bodies of Murray and Milik along (since he is easily the strongest and fastest member of the party). Toriesh, who had been harrying the goblins with handcrossbow bolts and flaming oil from above warns the city Watch of the oncoming horde, and the party reaches the relative safety of the city well ahead of the goblins and orcs.

The city Watch and milita handled the bulk of the remaining orcs + goblins, but suggested that the party should winter anywhere but Safeton. Ivan's failure at fast talking the city fathers into letting them remain 'just a bit longer' earns him a night in jail, while the rest of the group manages to hook up with a caravan heading north to Dyvers. Signing on as guards, [11th of Fireseek, 576] they meet the captain of the caravan guards, a young Knight of Pelor named Lucien. (Somewhere before this point, they discovered that the mage who had wiped their memories of the past three months had overlooked Greykhan's wolf familiar - it related the events to them (albeit from a dog's point of view) mostly confirming their belief that their adventure had taken them somewhere inside the Pomarj. The only 'vital' information they discovered is that the object of their quest had been what looked like a rat's skull on a leather thong, with emeralds for eyes....)

In any case, while travelling north along the Selintarn, they hear stories concerning the recent troubles suffered by the followers of Kelanen (for those who missed it, try The River Pilot's Tale), and were well impressed by their fellow guardsmen's opinion of Lucien's fighting prowess. At one point, overhearing their fireside discussions of the recent months, Lucien revealed that he had heard of Marcus (of Cryllor), and that by all accounts, he was a well respected sorcerer and a man of honor. This of course had little effect on the opinions of most of the party, who for various reasons either want nothing further to do with Marcus (or want hot revenge...).

Upon reaching Dyvers at last [9th of Readying, 576], the group settled in for the rest of the winter, studying, training, and whatnot. Ivan attempted to make contact with the Guild of Appraisers in Dyvers (better known as the Fence's Guild, a subsidiary of the Thieves Guild...), and was eventually contacted by Zorast of the Rhenee, who had a use for his 'special' talents. By way of reward for his services, Ivan chose to accept training from one of Zorast's 'granddaughters', a comely lass named Nola....

[3rd of Coldeven, 576]

And so ended another evening.....