Ritual (Enchant)
Exotic (Vadeli)
    By means of this spell, the caster creates a blade that can be used in conjunction with Blood Magic. Additional points of Intensity beyond the first, if applied, act as a Strengthening (Armor) enchantment.
    Bloodbladed weapons cannot have weapon enhancing spells placed upon them.

CALL [species]
Ritual (Summon)
Common (Some will be Rare)
    Like the more common Summon (Species) spell, except this version works on creatures from the Mundane Plane instead of creatures from the Spirit Plane. If the caster knows the actual name of the creature being summoned, he gets the one selected. Otherwise, he gets a random member of the targeted species.
    Commonly, Hold is used to keep a Dominate spell ready for the creature's arrival.
    Called creatures within Range proceed towards the caster at their best rate of travel, for so long as the spell is maintained. Multispell can be used to Call a number of creatures equal to the level of Multispell used, if available.

CONJURE [demon]
Ritual (Summon)
Rare (Some will be Exotic)
    This spell searches through the Million Spheres to find a creature dwelling there and bring it to the plane of the caster. (Successful use of Million Spheres Lore will double the user's Special/Critical chances, but will not affect his total chance of success.) On a normal success, a totally random specimen appears. On a special success, the caster may assign 50% of the points available for design to the creature conjured. On a critical, the caster may assign all of the points, and is considered to have summoned a member of a Breed. (Breeds may be summoned with a normal Summon spell thereafter).
    Since the caster is never certain of what will appear, Dominate cannot be used. However, when the Conjured entity appears, the caster may match his POW vs. the POW of the entity to force it into a Binding Enchantment.
    If the Binding Enchantment does not possess enough characteristic "slots", the demon in question is entitled to require that the caster fullfill a "Need" at certain intervals as the price of it's service. The type of Need and the frequency of it's fullfillment vary depending on how many slots are missing.

CONTACT [individual]
Ritual (Summon)
    The Contact spell is a special purpose form of the Telepathy spell, in that in addition to placing the caster and target in mind-to-mind communication, it opens a pathway for the target to come to the caster (but not vice-versa). Contact spells are target-specific; and the target of a Contact spell might very well be unhappy to get unwanted summons.

Ritual (Enchant)
Exotic (Vadeli)
    This spell allows the caster to grow a fetal-like image from his own flesh. This image, called a homonculous, is an incomplete creature possessing only STR, CON, SIZ, and DEX (commonly but a single point of each). This creature must be maintained in a glass bottle, and fed at least 1 hp worth of blood (from am member of the same species as the caster, but NEVER the caster's own) to remain alive.
    The caster must provide the flesh for the homonculous; while the ritual requires that the flesh be "of the caster", it need not come from his own body. Many Vadeli will take the unborn fetus from their own (or their woman's) body and use that, or will elect to find some other way to procure 1 SIZ worth of their own flesh. During the enchantment ritual, the caster sacrifices 4 points of POW, one each for STR, CON, and DEX, and the final one to seal the enchantment.
    Once enchanted, the caster may elect to move his spirit (INT and POW) into the homonculous at any time, no matter how far they are from one another (but not across planar boundaries), He can then observe and communicate with anyone who is present in the room where the homonculous is kept. The caster can cast magic (but his skills will change to reflect the reduced DEX of the homonculous, and be further cut by 25% by the restrictions of being confined within the bottle) but cannot perform physical actions, as it remains trapped within the bottle. The caster can return to his own body at will.
    If an enemy gains possession of a live homonculous, he can cast mind-affecting spells against the homonculous' creator at no Range. Thus, any sorcerer with a homonculous guards it well, lest it fall into the hands of his enemies.

Ranged, Temporal
    This spell must be cast with an Intensity equal to the amount of Stale Presence it is intended to affect. If used to freshen presence that would normally return at a rate of 1 point per melee round, it returns instantly. If used on presence that is returning at a rate of 1 point per hour, it begins returning at a rate of 1 per melee round.

Self, Maintained
    This spell is ideally cast with an Intensity equal to the SIZ of the caster, but may be cast with a minimum Intensity of the caster's SIZ/2.
    Once successfully cast, the caster is surrounded by a glassy sphere with a diameter appropriate to the Intensity of the spell (i.e. if the Intensity equals the SIZ of the caster, he may stand upright, SIZ/2 reduces him to a fetal position). Inside the sphere he is completely isolated from the vagarities of the external climate, protected from extremes of temperature, pressure, and toxins in the atmosphere. It is commonly multispelled with Skin of Life, so that he may continue to breathe in the sphere for long periods.
    If the caster elects to remain within the sphere, his only means of locomotion is rolling the globe from within or being pushed/carried by outsiders.
    The Crystal World automatically has AP equal to half the Intensity used to create it, but is sometimes Multispelled with Boost Armor if rough handling or sudden shocks or blows are expected.

Attack, Ranged, Maintained
    Each Intensity of this spell may be used to affect 3 SIZ of a target, though additional Intensity adds strength to the manifestation of the spell.
    If the target fails to resist, he is immobilized by a shimmering rose-colored force that holds him in an upright spread-eagle position until he is either released by the caster or can overcome the Intensity (x3) of the spell with his STR on the resistance table (one such check may be made each round).
    [Example: Hodusk the Great (STR & SIZ 18) is overcome by an Intensity 8 Jamethiel's X. Each round thereafter he may pit his STR vs the Intensity of the spell x3 (24) to break free from his bondage].

Attack, Ranged, Instant
     This spell was created by a Keoish sorcerer named Marcus of Cryllor. It requires Intensity equal to twice the SIZ of the target, and if the caster successfully overcomes the target in multiple POW vs. POW contests it will eventually cause the target to burst into flames. On the round in which it is cast, the target automatically takes 1d3 damage, and takes on a reddish hue, as if sunburned. On the second round, if the caster's POW overcomes the POW of the target again (the caster need not concentrate to accomplish this, however), the target takes another 1d3 damage and breaks out in whitish blisters (similar to second degree burns). On the third round (again, if the caster overcomes the target), the target's clothing begins to smolder and the damage rises to 1d4 as the skin of the target begins to blacken and char. On the fourth round, if the target fails a fourth and final contest against the caster, he bursts into flame, taking 1d10 damage per round until completely consumed.
    If cast prior to the fourth round, the following spells can successfully counter a Bloodburn: Call Cold (Intensity of at least 6), Neutraliaze Magic (vs. the Intensity of the Bloodburn), or Regenerate Damage (though if cast with an Intensity of 4 or less will simply prolong the agony of the target). This spell can also be nullified by a target who is under the effect of a Dream of Darkness spell at the time of casting, if he expends magic points equal to his SIZ.

Ranged, Instant
    This spell was created by a Keoish sorcerer named Marcus of Cryllor.  When successfully cast upon a willing recipient, this spell blocks all conscious memory of a specific event (or a chain of events, if cast with Multispell). Intensity equal to the INT of the target must be used. If employed against an unwilling target, it becomes an Attack spell, which if it fails, intensifies the memory of the event or events in question. In either case, the memory to be blocked must be specific - "forget what you did yesterday" would not work, but "forget what you had for breakfast yesterday" would be acceptable.
    Memories blocked in this fashion still exist within the target's mind, and may bubble up out of the subconscious in the form of dreams. Such blockages can be removed through the reversed form of thsi spell, or by the psionic discipline of Mental Surgery (at TP7 - Adjust Memories).

    This spell affects the mass of objects. Each level of Intensity  can alter the weight (ENC) of an object (10 ENC base value) by one half. Thus, with one level of Intensity, a 10 ENC object weighs 5 ENC, with 2 Intensity it would weigh 2.5 ENC, etc.
    Alternatively, it could increase the mass of the same object by one half, resulting in values of 15 ENC for one Intensity, 22 ENC for 2 Intensity, and so on. This spell is often Multispelled with Expand to create small containers capable of holding large amounts of material that weigh very little. Containers affected by Masswarp that are neutralized by Dispel magic regain all of their normal mass instantly. This spell cannot be cast on living material.

Common (though some will be Rare or Exotic)
    The incoming attack must overcome the Resist's Intensity in order to do any damage at all. Otherwise, it is canceled. If it does overcome it however, all damage penetrates. Some of these spells come in sub-types. These sub-types have the advantage that they resist at double Intensity, but they may only resist their specific attack.
    Psionics -- Bolsters the mind's natural defenses against psionic intrusion/attack, by increasing the passive force by +1 for each level of Psionic Resistance in place. This spell has sub-types, one for each psionic effect that allows a saving throw to resist it's effects. (i.e. Resist Telepathic Projection, Resist Neural Lash, etc.)

Attack, Ranged
Exotic (Taladan)
    This spell affects the target's Aspect.. One point of his Aspect is trapped and rendered incapable of supporting effects or being used to create psionic effects.per Intensity. If the target's Aspect is reduced far enough, he may be forced to drop maintained effects, taking 1 round per effect to do so.

Attack, Ranged
Exotic (Taladan)
    Each Intensitiy in this spell reduces the target psion's chances for success with all psionic effects by 5%. Thus, a Suppress Psionics 10 would reduce a psion's chances to create any effect by 50%.

    This spell is primarily used with Range, though Intensity is also used. Each level of Range used with this spell increases the diameter of the Blocked region by 10m, (i.e. Range 0 gives a 10m diameter sphere, Range 1 gives 20m, Range 2 gives 30m, and so on). Each level of Intensity used subtracts 10% from the chances of anyone attempting to Teleport (via Sorcery, Divine Magic, or Psionics) within the area of effect.

Ranged, Maintained
    By use of this spell, the caster and a number of other people (equal to half the levels of Multispell employed) are whisked outside of time to a misty white realm. While this spell is Maintained, those within that place can heal, recover magic points, etc. at a normal pace. The total area of the misty realm is a circle 1 meter in diameter for every level of Range employed.
    For those outside the spell effect, however, no time passes whatsoever. Those inside the spell resume their former positions, whatever they might have been, when the spell duration ends.

Attack, Ranged, Maintained
    A target affected by this spell has both his comprehension and ability to communicate verbally confounded by this spell. For every level of Intensity, the target loses 10% from his all of his Speak Languages skills.
    [Example: Fred Parker, with a Speak Bakluni of 50% and a Speak Common of 75% is affected by a YVoC Intensity 6  - until the spell is dispelled or allowed to lapse, he cannot understand or make himself understood in Bakluni, but can Speak (and understand) Common at an effective 15%.]

* - Denotes spells borrowed from Call of Cthulhu, though the power level has been altered to suit RQ (IMC, leastwise).