Liches    ( by Tal Meta & Nikk Effingham)

    A Liche is a form of undead related to vampires and mummies, but whose thirst for knowledge has overwhelmed them, so much so that they have exchanged their mortal lives for the chance to spend eternity learning and discovering more about the world around them.

    A Liche can be created in one of two ways. The first (and most common) is the Create Liche ritual spell, which the prospective liche must cast on himself. Details of the ritual vary from cult to cult, and between magic types (currently only sorcery and divine magic spells of this type are known to exist), but in one cult the caster must sacrifice seven virgins of a sentient species, then commit ritual suicide and succeed in a successful ceremony roll. Success means that the character's soul is dissolved (much like a vampire's) and they have become a Liche. Failure means that the character dies, their soul being sent to whatever afterlife it is meant for where it will be damned to whatever Hell that character's God has waiting for those who dabble in Chaos, Undeath and the mysterious Arts.
    The second means is far more rare, but has been known to happen from time to time. If a particularly diligent sage should pass away while pouring over his tomes, sometimes his raw will to continue is enough to animate his body in unlife, negating the need for the ritual or spell at all.

    While the spell can be cast by anyone with the will and knowledge, Liches are often found in Truth Rune cults, especially those additionally tied to the runes of Magic, Chaos, Undeath, or Loss. In divine cults, it is rare for anyone other than a Priest or Rune Lord to voluntarily become a Liche, as cult advancement becomes far more difficult once the soul has been burned away.

    Liches appear as withered, emancipated figures, drained of fluids and with their flesh wrapped like dry, brittle pages around their bones. Normally there is no smell of decay, but if the liche spends sufficient time in a moist enviroment, rot or mold can set in. Liches in this predicament often use perfumes to cover the smell.
    Liches who dwell close to their old human habitats will sometimes emerge under the cover of heavy clothing and venture back to purchase books, tomes and grimoires, but otherwise spend most of their time secluded in their libraries. Liches are often solitary in nature, though a few have been known to tutor others if approached correctly.

 STR         3d6x2     Move     Species+1         R Leg         0*/7
 CON       3d6x2     HP         19                      L Leg         0*/7
 SIZ          2d6+6     FP         NA                    Abdomen   0*/7
 INT         2d6+6     MP        3d6                    Chest         0*/8
 POW        NA                                                R Arm       0*/5
 DEX        3d6+6                                             L Arm       0*/5
 APP         1d6        DEX SR 2                        Head         0*/7

*= Liches often wear armour if expecting trouble, and usually have some forms of protective magic.

Weapon          SR      att             dmg
Touch           7       Base 25       1d3+db+special

    Magic: Never has Spirit Magic, but they are often either powerful sorcerors or priests.

    Notes: The touch of a Liche is especially devastating. Upon striking it drains 3d6% of a skill chosen by the Liche. This skill can be any Knowledge skill, Speak skill, Magical Art or Sorcery spell. The loss is permanent. In return the Liche gains an "experience tick" in that skill, even if one cannot normally be gained in (lores etc…). The tick is instant, and if it suceeds then the Liche gains 1d6% in that skill to reflect the knowledge it has learnt from the drained victim. Liches often capture victims alive to use this upon. They usually have a myriad of Lores, some in the region of 150% to 200% if the Liche is of any reasonable age.

    Sorcery Notes: Liches have access to the Vow of Lichehood. This adds their old POW as Presence. It is lost if they ever attempt to stop being a Liche.