Coelaxia Sword

These finely crafted longsowrds are generally binding objects for the ghosts of elder members of the Order of Coelaxia. As such, they serve as guides, teachers, and additional arsenals for more junior members of the order. Spells commonly known by these ghosts (indeed, taught to all members of the Coelaxia) include: Boost Damage, Boost DEX, Clear Mind, Cloak Sight, Drain Soul, Mystic Trail, Mystic Vision, Neutralize Magic, Sense Magic, Sense Magic (Gate), and Wrest Magic. (Note: spells themselves will generally be matrixed into the sword, not held in memory, to improve the ghost's PRE. Spell matrices are generally available to either the bound ghost or the weilder of the sword, if the weilder is a member of the order). Not every sword contains every spell, and some swords will have higher Intensity matrices of certain spells.

(Note: IMC, the Coelaxia are a band of female warrior-mages who seek out and destory gates, mages who create gates, and unbound extraplanar critters of all sorts. In a Greyhawk campaign, I typically use them as a followers of a subcult of Dalt, the Suloise god of Portals.)