Darius was left as an orphan on the steps of the Abbey of the Subgenius
in the Kulkus Mts. Raised by the Abbots, he spent an inordinate amount
of time working with the local blacksmith, when not training as a Paladin.
When he came of age, he departed the Abbey to help spread the word of
Bob, and to SMITE EVIL. He helped bring an entire village of phantoms to
their final rest, and helped lead the elves of Qualinost to a reunion with
their northern brethren while fleeing the Green Dragon Overlord.
Many years later, he took service aboard a Spelljamming vessel, and
helped foil a group of pirates who sought to awaken a Witchlight Marauder.
In the end, he found himself plunging down into the Queen's Abyss after
failing to maintain his grip on the amulet that would have slain her forever.
When Darius was last seen, however, he was taking his seat aboard the
Xist Vessel Bonadventure, fleeing the destruction of Krynn.... |