... Into the thick of things ...
Our cast of characters...
Lucian (NPC) human initiate and junior Knight of Pelor;
Dracon, human beastmaster of the Wegwier;
Ivan, Suloise follower of Norebo, psionicist, and appraiser of quality
goods (Duchy of Urnst);
Kalik, halfling initiate-in-training of Avoreen (Duchy of Urnst);
Milik, halfling sorcerer <absent this week>
Kaganost, wemic apprentice shaman, originally from Hepmonaland;
Flavius, half-elven (oerid/high) warrior (Rel Mord)
Kendradell, female half-elf (suloise/high) bard & initiate of Lydia
Murray, nalshavel orc, wizard. <absent this week>
[1st of Planting, 576]
This week began shortly after the release of last year's prisoners, when the group heard a far off (feminine) scream, followed by a sort of hissing roar, and the sounds of combat in the distance. Investigating the source of the disturbance first revealed fear-maddened horses in flight, and soon they came upon a clearing where some sort of large dragon-like creature was embroiled in combat with a number of soldiers bearing shields with the Black Rook device. Though it displayed no breath weapon, it was laying about itself with teeth and it's barbed tail.
The group elected to watch the battle rather than participate, and while looking for the source of the scream they'd heard, Flavius spotted a former companion of his, namely Kendraell (who had disappeared in the battle in which he'd been captured) tied to one of the fallen horses. Her rescue was affected without aiding the Black Rook soldiery, to their surprise and dismay. The 'dragon' then sank it's claws into the much-lightened horse, and leapt away with it into the sky.
Introductions were made, and while arguing over their eventual course of action, the group ran afoul of a patrol of armed and armored skeletons, who managed a round or two of arrow fire before being cut down. The only notable event in this exchange was Ivan's dodging of an arrow from horseback, resulting in a nasty fall (from horseback).
The group eentually reached the hill that contained the cave they figured was their eventual goal, and in the process of scouting for other entrances discovered four 'chimneys' rising from the hill emitting a pale blue-white smoke, and the egress of some underground spring on the north face of the hill. Dracon initially sent a crow into the cave to scout, but it's report was fragmentary and colored by its dislike for being inside. While searching for a rat or racoon (it being late winter/early spring <1st of Planting, actually>), Dracon ran afoul of a bear emerging from its sleep to forage, and wasn't quick enough in his spellcasting to control it, and received a nasty paw swipe before finally getting it under control.
Drawn by Dracon's wolf familiar's barking, the rest of the group came in on the end of this, and Flavius injured the bear with a pilum before it was made clear that the bear was friendly, now. The bear was healed, and although there was some discussion of sending the bear into the cave to wreak havoc, eventually it was decided that Kalik would be made invisible and sent within to scout instead.
Unlike Dracon's previous invisibility spells, the one he placed on Kalik
was of superior quality (crit casting roll) and of seemingly unknown duration.
Kalik's foray into the cave revealed two bored human guards at the entrance,
a pair of extensive dormitories for troops (several of which were playing
cards in one of the rooms), a lower level (with a guard at the end of one
hall), and down another corridor, a strange white-haired dwarf appearantly
commanding a work-group of skeletons. Not knowing how long he had left,
Kalik made his exit.
Venturing downstairs, the group attempted to overcome the guard on duty
there, but did not dispatch him quickly enough. He raised the alarm, and
soon the hallway was a mass of visible and invisible combatants, flying
missiles, and spells. The sudden appearance of a large fire elemental (Lucien's)
helped wipe out an undead patrol that was coming to the aid of the mercenaries,
and Dracon showed great valor in slaying another of the strange dwarves
who came out of a side chamber and engulfed him
[1st of Planting, 576]
As the battle at the foot of the stairs came to a close, so did another