Charm Sword
3 Points
Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable, Reusable
     This spell protects it's target in two distiinct ways., one passive, the other active.
     In it's passive form, whenever anyone with an "intelligent sword" (a sword possessing INT, by dint of enchantment, spirit possession, etc.) attempts to attack the receipient of this spell, the POW of the target of this spell is matched to the magic points of the sword weilder whenever he attempts to strike him. If the target successfully overcomes the mp of the sword, it cannot be used to harm him.
     In it's active form, the target of this spell may expend a magic point, then match his current magic points vs. the magic points of anyone attempting to attack him with a sword. If successful, he can cause the sword of his opponent to strike it's weilder, at the weilder's normal attack percentage -20%, doing normal weapon damage (strength damage is only counted the first time this power is used against an opponent; after that, he will sense the turning of his own blade and "pull" the strength portion of his own attack).

Create Gate
1 Point
Ritual (Enchant), Reuseable
     By means of this spell, the caster creates a gate between two locales anywhere in the Million Spheres. Each Gate leads to a single location. Creation of a Gate requires the sacrifice of a variable amount of POW, as follows:

Another location on same world
Location on a nearby stellar body (moon, planet)
Location on a far body (far planet) 9
Location on Border Plane (spirit, ethereal, astral)
Location on Near Plane (elemental planes) 10 
Location in another Sphere 15 
     Unless the creator of the gate has visited the desired location for the far end of the gate personally, it's actual placement may vary by 5-10 km. Ideally, both sides of the Gate should resemble each other, obeying the Law of Symmetry. Even if the creator has visited the site, a variety of factors can prevent the Gate from forming in exactly the desired position; Gates cannot, for example, be created to reach within Sanctified ground, (including Temples, graveyards, and other, similarly Warded territory).
     Once created, in order to be used the Gate must be activated by expending magic points equal to the points of POW used to create it in the first place (conditions, etc., included). Anyone passing through the Gate must also expend an amount of magic points equal to the total POW used to create the Gate, as above.
     [Example: Fred Parker discovers a Gate leading to the Elemental Plane of Air (10). The Gate has no conditions on it's use, so Fred must expend 10 mp to activate the Gate. To pass through the activated Gate, he would have to expend an additional 10 mp, for a total of 20 mp. Bound spirits making the trip must also pay this "toll" to the Gate, BTW.]

2 Points
Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable, Reuseable
Hextor, Joramy
     For the duration of this spell, old greivences are remembered, and the affected subjects are stimulated to contemplate them.
     In addition, subjects affected by this spell always choose the wrong words, further enflaming the
     This spell affects every individual within range who belongs to one of the same "communities" as the caster, a community being defined as any social group or class with common interests. A company of soldiers, the citizens of a small village, members of the same faith who worship at the same shrine, or any similar group of less than 1000 individuals qualifies under the terms of this spell.

3 Points
Touch, Temporal, Nonstackable, Reusable
     This spell is commonly placed on the head of a mace, hammer, or other blunt weapon. When the weapon is used in combat, it wails much like a ghoul, demoralizing those in the immediate vicinity of the wielder (i.e. within 3 meters). The intensity of the demoralize is based on the current magic points of the wielder, vs. the INT of the target. If the wielder scores a special or better hit in combat, the target will additionally be affected by a Panic effect, as well. A fumble with the weapon will cause the spell to end prematurely.

Nine of Blades
5 Points
Self Only, Duration - Special, Stackable, Reuseable (once per day, maximum).
     This potent spell will only function on a normal, unenchanted sword that has no other spells in place upon it. When cast, the caster must expend 1-9 magic points. On the caster's next combat DEX strike rank, another sword, identical to the one weilded by the caster, will appear in the air nearby and begin attacking his opponents as if weilded by the caster himself (excepting split attacks, etc.). On each of the following DEX strike ranks, another sword will appear, until a number of swords equal to the number of magic points expended surround the caster. Once the total number of swords have appeared, they will remain for one DEX strike rank, then begin to disappear at the
same rate that they originally appeared, i.e. 1 per DEX strike rank.
     The swords may not stray farther than the caster's POW in meters, or they return to the caster's side to guard until ordered to engage a new target. Designating a new target for one of these mystical blades requires that the caster delay his normal attack for 1 DEX strike rank.
     Swords created by this spell cannot be weilded by others, and only fight at the caster's direction. If, for some reason, the caster becomes unconscious while this spell is in effect, the swords will continue attacking for the rest of the round, then vanish.

4 Points
Range (Special), Temporal, Stackable, One Use.
     This spell causes the caster and one individual per additional spell stacked to travel backwards in time a distance equal to the duration of the spell (this spell is often stacked with Extension).The recipients of this spell arrive in their "original" bodies, in their "original" positions (wherever those might be), but with full knowledge of what is about to transpire.
     This spell is sometimes used to heal injuries by simply avoiding their cause, but is more often used to help avert other kinds of disasters.

Seal Gate
1 Point
Ritual (Ceremony), Reuseable
     By means of this spell, the caster may permanently Seal an opened Gate from either side, without having to locate or destroy the original runes of enchantment. In order for this spell to be effective, the caster must first pass through the Gate in question, and then immedeatly afterwards cast this spell upon the Gate befor it closes.
     The POW cost for closing the Gate is fixed at 3 points for Gates leading to points on the same Sphere, or 5 points for Gates that lead to another Sphere or Plane.

Soothing Word
1 Point
Ranged, Instant, Nonstackable, Reuseable
    This spell can be used to negate the effects of a fear spell, eliminate a warrior's berserker rage, or momentarily calm down a number of individuals equal to the caster's current POW (if they fail to resist the caster's current mp with their own on the resistance table).

2 Points
Ranged, Temporal (Special), Stackable, Reuseable
     This spell speeds up the caster's perception of time, allowing hours to pass in minutes. Common uses for this spell include speeding the recovery of magic points, natural healing, and the like. While under the influence of this spell, the caster is in a trance-like state, and cannot be roused.

Visage (of Erythnul)
3 Points
Self, Temporal, Nonstackable, Reusable
     This spell causes the appearance of the caster to shift and change form between melee rounds. Priests of Erythnul commonly shift between the forms of a Human, Kell (Gnoll), Buheer (Bugbear), Eiger (Ogre), and Troll, in a random pattern. The caster does not gain any of the special abilities, skills, or other attributes of the assumed appearance. Priests of other deities that grant this spell might well have different forms they shift between.
     While reusable, it is not commonly made available to initiates.