"I have been looking over several AD&D modules as source for adventures
for my game and ran across some spells which I think can be useful for
RQ. This is my version of these spells. Comments are welcomed (Mailto://leonbk@hotmail.com).
Please note: I am not claiming these spells are my idea just converted
by me to RQ."
Instantaneous, Permanent, Hard
This spell will distill fresh water from any available
source. The amount of fresh water will depend on the quality of the original
source. All impurities including salt and/or poison will be removed
leaving only pure water.
One liter of liquid may be processed this way per
each point of intensity in the spell. If the source is not liquid
such as fruit or a carcass then a liter of water may be extracted form
each point of size (or six points of encumbrance) per three points of intensity.
If this spell is cast on a living target then it will do 1pt of damage
per three points of intensity, to general hit points, once Power is overcomed.
Passive, Temporal, Easy
This spell will waterproof one size point or six
encumbrance of material per point of the spell. Creatures that must
remain wet will suffer effects as if they were not in water from the time
this spell was cast.
Note: this does not effect their breathing in any
way and requires POW vs. POW roll. The spell may effect only a part
of a creature (roll for location) with varying degree of success
The reverse form of this spell can be used to keep
the skin of amphibious or aquatic creatures moist at the same costs as
Resist Pressure
Passive, Temporal, Medium
(Must check on depths and altitudes to adjust this spell)
This spell will grant protection against a crushing
force such as water pressure or even a great weight if it was applied slowly.
The amount of protection is equal to cancellation of 20pt of size, or 120pt
of encumbrance, or 20 meters of water depth. This spell can also
be used to resist the effect of high altitude.
Ritual, Enchantment, Medium
When this enchantment is cast, a sorcerer imbues
a skull with a latent magical dweomer. When a specified event occurs
or if any damage is inflicted to the skull, the skull explodes. Any
living creature, within the area of effect, will suffer damage from the
razor sharp bone fragments, armor protects. The amount of damage
and the area of effect depend on the size of the skull.
If another skull bearing the same enchantment is placed within the radius of effect, it can be set to be triggered by the explosion of the first one to deliver compound damage.
Note: A humanoid head 1/10 the size of the full creature, round .5 up.
Leon Kirshtein