3 Points Memorization
Ranged, Active
This spell creates an illusion of a large battering ram with
a head shaped like a clenched fist. For every 2 Intensities in the spell,
it does 1d4 points of structural damage. This spell has no effect when
employed against naturally living entities, or if used against anything
but a portal (door, porticulis, drawbridge, etc.). Only one such spell
can affect a given portal at any one time.
If used against a structure that contains a bound spirit, the
caster must overcome the magic points of that spirit with his own in order
to cause damage that round.
3 Points Memorization
Ranged, Active, Maintained
This spell creates a large disembodied hand clenched into a fist.
This fist is under the mental control of the caster, who may use it to
strike opponents using his own Fist/Brawling and Martial Arts skill percentages,
or his skill in this spell, whichever is lower. Each such blow does 1d6
damage and has an effective force for knockback equal to 3x the rolled
2 Points Memorization
Ranged, Active, Maintained
This spell creates illusionary hands that can perform any craft
the caster is skilled in. For every three Intensity in this spell,
pair of disembodied hands are created. All such hands come
equipped with appropriate tools, and will work together like a construction
All such hands use the caster's skill in the requisite craft,
but each makes its own individual skill rolls (the caster of this spell
does not gain skill checks in his craft while using this spell). Any pair
of hands that fumbles its skill roll vanishes.
The hands will only perform crafts, not fight or damage any living
creature. The only other (non-Craft) skills they will perform are First
Aid, Shiphandling, and Play Instruments. When used with Multispell, each
set of hands must be set at a seperate task (i.e. one group of hands could
saw and nail boards for the side of a barn, while another paints the wall).
2 Points Memorization
Ranged, Transient
This spell creates an illusionary, disembodied hand equipped
with a weapon (the Intensity of the spell dictates the type of weapon created).
The hand will engage and fight an opponent designated by the caster, using
1/2 the caster's skill (any 1H melee weapon skill will suffice). If employing
Multispell, the caster need not concentrate on any individual hand to keep
the spell functioning, but he may not perform any other action while the
hands fight, or his concentration will be broken and the spell ended.
At 2 Intensity, the hand weilds a Dagger.
At 4 Intensity, the hand weilds a Rapier.
At 6 Intensity, the hand weilds a Broadsword.
At 8 Intensity, the hand weilds a Longsword.