FlowNet (Water)
4 Points
Touch, Temporal, Passive
This spell effects only combat nets. Once cast,
the net seems to drip with water, although it does not actually gain in
weight. On a successful hit, the FlowNet entangles it's target and begins
"flowing" and spreading along their bodies, enveloping and entangling new
hit locations each subsequent melee round. Each melee round, the FlowNet
will flow down 2 and up one hit location. (i.e. if it struck a human in
the chest (on location 14) it would spread to envelope locations 15 and
13 - 12 the next round.) The FlowNet stops when it has covered a number
of hit locations equal to it's SIZ. (Most combat nets have SIZ 15 - 20.)
If, in it's travels, it envelopes the head of it's target, the net begins
to force itself into the mouth of it's victim, attempting to drown him
as an undine would.
All normal net combat rules apply to a FlowNet,
and the weilder must retain possession of the net at all times. Destroying
the net's hit points in an area reduces the number of hit locations that
it can cover.
RedBlade (Lunar)
4 Points
Touch, Temporal, Passive
This spell effects only scimitars or similarly curved
edged weapons such as jambiyas, kukris, etc.. It causes the weapon to take
on a reddish glow that waxes and wanes between melee rounds. On those rounds
when the weapon is at it's highest ebb (full), the blade ignores all non-magical
armor, has and strikes for double damage, On those rounds that it is between
extremes (half, crescent) it ignores all non-magical armor and strikes
for normal damage. On those rounds when the blade barely glimmers (new,
empty), it acts in all ways as a normal weapon, but provides no damage
bonuses for strength. The blade enters a new phase with each new melee
round, beginning in whatever phase the moon is currently in and cycling
from then on.
RedShield (Lunar)
4 Points
Touch, Temporal, Passive
This spell effects only shields. It causes the shield
to take on a reddish glow that waxes and wanes between melee rounds. On
those rounds when the shield is at it's highest ebb (full), the armor points
of the shield are doubled, and all parries with that shield are counted
as being one level of success higher [Example: a normal success in counted
as a special, and a special as a critical]. On those rounds that it is
between extremes (half, crescent) the armor points are doubled (only).
On those rounds when the shield barely glimmers (new, empty), it's armor
points are halved. The shield enters a new phase with each new melee round,
beginning in whatever phase the moon is actually in and cycling from then
SandBlade (Earth)
4 Points
Touch, Temporal, Passive
When cast on a bladed weapon, this spell gives the
weapon a dusty, dirty sheen that seems to shift across the flat of the
blade as if sand were flowing downhill. Whenever a Sandbladed weapon strikes
its target, it makes a hissing sound and raises a small cloud of dust.
Anything struck by a SandBlade is eroded for 1 point
of damage if the rolled damage can overcome the location's armor points.
In the case of a shield or parrying weapon, the same effect applies. Rolled
damage in excess of defensive armor is applied to the target's hit points
as normal.
Before any wound caused by a SandBlade can be healed,
someone must succeed with a First Aid roll and spend five full melee rounds
to remove the dirt and grit from the wound (no damage is healed in this
circumstance; a second roll and time spent would be required). If this
is not done, the healing rate of the injury is doubled (i.e. takes twice
as long or twice as many points of Healing),