Sorusk - ex-Golden Bow Priest, ex-Lankhor Mhy Initiate, Doom Lord of  Than


Race: Centaur/Liche Age: 475 Dex SRM: 1 Siz SRM: 0
Magic Points: 98(a) Fatigue Points: 80 Damage Modifier: 4d6
Hit Points: 31 Head: 10 Chest: 12 Arms: 7 Legs: 10
(Each of Sorusk's hit locations have received the Armoring Enchantment giving him 9 AP in all locations.)
STR: 48 CON: 32 SIZ: 29 INT: 17 POW: -- DEX: 23 APP: 11


( 13) Agility
Boat: 13 Climb: 38 Dodge: 63  Jump: 63 Ride: 63 Swim: 33  Throw: 83

( 2) Communicate
FastTalk: 110 Orate: 110 Sing: 115 Speak: 110 Pelorian: 101 Darktongue: 104 Firetongue: 98
Sartar: 87 Old Pavic: 82 Kralorean: 71 Pentish: 54 Esrolian: 44

( 17) Knowledge
Evaluate: 67 Craft: 115 First Aid: 75  Animal: 110 Centaur: 105 Mineral: 110 Plant: 110 World: 110
Kung Fu: 63  Read: 105 Ships: 20 Chaos Lore: 122  Genertela: 102 Vadeli: 95 Pamaltela: 93

( 39) Manipulate
Conceal: 94 Devise: 84 Sleight: 64 Play Lyre: 111

( 13) Perception
Listen: 137 Scan: 117 Search: 37 Track: 97

( 24) Stealth
Hide: 69 Sneak: 102 Garrotte: 94

( 3) Magical
Ceremony: 117 Summon: 117 Enchant: 117 Intensity: 103 Range: 101 Multispell: 101
Permanance: 100 Speed: 99 Accuracy: 98 Reinforce: 98 Hold: 97 Banish: 91

( 39) Attack
Fist: 104 Dagger: 94 Short Sword: 119 Bastard Sword: 119 Composite Longbow: 124
Horns: 86

( 13) Parry
Dagger: 73 Short Sword: 98 Bastard Sword: 98 Shield: 98

Note to skills: "Fist" attack refers to Sorusk's Touch ability, which is capable of doing 1d3+4d6 damage, as well as draining knowledge from it's target. Upon striking he drains 3d6% of a skill of his choice. This skill can be any Knowledge skill, Speak skill, Magical Art or Sorcery spell. The loss is permanent. In return Sorusk gains an "experience tick" in that skill, even if one cannot normally be gained in (lores etc.). The tick is instant, and if it suceeds then Sorusk gains 1d6% in that skill to reflect the knowledge he has learnt from his victim.

Personal spells known (Divine): Analyze Magic, Bow Trance, Clairvoyance, Cloud Clear, Create Head, Darklight, Devour Book, Dismiss Magic, Mindlink, Sanctify, Summon Guardian, Reconstruction, Translate, True Garrote, Truespeak, Warding, Worship Than (All spells reuseable, POW sacrificed prior to Lichehood)

Personal spells known (Sorcery): Animate Dead 107, Animate Air 95, Animate Darkness 89, Animate Stone 109, Animate Bronze 99, Bless Shortsword 106, Bless Garrote 97, Boost DEX 102, Boost STR 112, Break Blade 118, Castback 115, Clear Mind 103, Comprehend 95, Conceal Magic 141, Conceal Centaur 122, Conceal Broo 102, Dampen Shortsword Attack 106, Decreptitude 115, Dominate Broo 131, Dominate Human 114, Dominate Ogre 129, Evoke Cold 124, Evoke Lightning 139, Evoke Shadow 103, Fade 119, Hex of Confusion 116, Identify Spell 101, Mind Probe 144, Mystic Trail 102, Neutralize Damage 113, Palsy 109, Project Hearing 113, Project Sight 112, Project Touch 119, Resist Damage 141, Resist Magic 118, Resist Magic (Corruption) 103, Resist Spirit 98, Reverse Missile 113, Sense Life 93, Sense Undead 71, Set Phase 109, Suppress Sorcery 85, Suppress Wizard 98, Tap STR 103, Tap CON 98, Tap INT 116, Tap POW 112, Tap Earth 111, Tap Shadow 102, Teleport 118, Teleport Block 122, Wrest Magic 118, Binding Enchantment, Break Conditions, Create Basilisk, Fend Blow, Homing Circle, Poison Broo, Poison Human, Ritual of Transformation, Scrying Device, Spell Matrix,
Strengthening, Summon INT Spirit, Summon Madness Spirit, Summon Passion Spirit, Summon Pain Spirit, Summon POW Spirit, Summon Memory Spirit, Summon Wound Spirit, Warp Enchantment. -> All spells currently in spirits or spell matrices.

Presence - 31/77
High Vow (-3), Vessel (17), Lore Mastery (21), Abjure Alcohol - (1), Adulation (1), Celibacy - (1), Devotion (1), Devour Foe (2), Flee Water (lose FP & MP per minute) (5), Lichehood (19), Never Kill a Centaur (2), Never Kill a Troll (2), Never Kill a Harpy (1), Rituals (2), Seclusion x3 (3), Shun Water (2) = 77

Commonly maintains Castback 12, Project (Hearing, Sight, Touch) 11R6M3, & Resist (Damage, Magic & Spirit)/Teleport Block 10M4 upon self, using 46 Presence. If he feels the need to, he will maintain a Dominate on whatever servant he has to keep them in line, and if expecting trouble may keep an Evoke Lightning 14 (or two) on Hold.

Doom Lord - Gifts/Geasa
Increase Knowledge Bonus +10% / Never Use Minted Coins, Accept Normal Chaotic Feature (Immunity to Fire).
Sprout Rams Horns / Never wear metal except tarnished silver.
Increase Stealth Bonus +10% / Never eat plant life except elves, never harm an undead.

Servants of Sorusk
Guardian - Gilliam Norlockiss
Race: Human Age: 34 Dex SRM: 3 Siz SRM: 1
Magic Points: 17 Fatigue Points: 33 Damage Modifier: 1d6
Hit Points: 16 Head: 6 Chest: 8 Arms: 5 Legs: 6
STR: 17 CON: 16 SIZ: 16 INT: 15 POW: 17 DEX: 15 APP: 11

( 12) Perception
Listen: 94 Scan: 94 Search: 56  Track: 17

( -8) Stealth
Ambush: 92 Hide: 21 Sneak: 21

( 15) Magical
Ceremony: 20 Summon: 34 Enchant: 0

( 14) Attack
Fist: 77 Dagger: 48 Shortsword: 100 BattleAxe: 95 Garrote: 57

( 3) Parry
Dagger: 37 Shortsword: 89 BattleAxe: 84 Shield: 94

Spirit spells known: Bladesharp 4, Darkwall, Silence
Divine spells known: Create Skeleton, Create Zombie, True Garrote

Heads Possessed

A0 (Miguel Sufru - Ogre), A1 (Gundrum - Broo), A2 (Fulstrum Nhayla - Human), A3 (Waldo Vistru - Vadeli).
B0 (Caola - Broo), B1 (Chakkla - Scorpionman), B2 (Silverfrond - Elf).
C (Jurgen - Ogre)
D (Unit 118 - Dwarf)
E (Sundren - Human).

Miguel Sufru - Ogre
Doom Lord of Atyar
INT 14 POW 17 HP 6
Spirit Magic - Befuddle, Demoralize, Extinguish 2, Mindspeech 3, Second Sight
Divine Magic - Consume Mind, Devour Book, Fear
Skills - Craft Bone 86, Ride 91, 2H Spear 102
Languages - Pelorian 75/56, Auld Wyrmish 12/-, Broospeech 45/-

Gundrum - Broo
Shaman of Thed
INT 12 POW 16 HP 5
Spirit Magic - Bludgeon 3, Control Disease Spirit, Mindspeech 4
Divine Magic - Reverse Chaos, Summon Disease Spirit
Skills - Broo Lore 65, Chaos Lore 91, Spirit Lore 90, Sneak 95, Hide 102
Languages - Broospeech 81/-

Fulstrum Nhayla - Human
Trickster Priest
INT 16 POW 18 HP 5
Spirit Magic - Fart, Hotfoot, Mobility 5
Divine Magic - Charisma, Make Water, Ploppy, Remove Head, Strike
Skills - Punfighting 91, Set Trap 72, Human Lore 76
Languages - Tarshite 75/62

Waldo Vistru - Vadeli
Adept Sorcerer
INT 18 POW 19 HP 7
Sorcery Magic - Attract Missiles 81, Bless Quill 92, Block Pagan 56, Stupefication 81
Skills - Intensity 91, Range 93, Multispell 96, Ease 89, Speed 93, Hold 98, Butchery 65,
Cooking 65, Conceal 98, Vadeli Lore 81, Jrusteli Lore 45, Magic Lore 106
Languages - Vadeli 89/86, Jrusteli 67/55, Brithini 76/45

Caola - Broo
Doom Lord of Thanatar
INT 14 POW 17 HP 5
Spirit Magic - Befudddle, Darkwall, Extinguish 3, Heal 4
Divine Magic - Devour Book, Dismiss Magic, Spellteaching, Warding
Skills - Garrote 91, Shortsword 86/94, Ambush 85
Languages - Broospeech 82/-, Chaospeech 73/71, Tradetalk 63

Chakkla - Scorpionman
Bagog Initiate
INT 12 POW 16 HP 6
Spirit Magic - Ironhand 4
Divine Magic - Claws, Sprout Legs, Venom Boosting
Skills - First Aid 78, Basketweaving 81, Scorpionman Lore 55
Languages - Scorpionman Tongue 55, Darktongue 45

Silverfrond - Elf
Voria Priestess
INT 14 POW 17 HP 4
Spirit Magic - Slow 5
Divine Magic - Flowers, Invigorate, Speak with Small Animals
Skills - Flower Braiding 86, Sing 106, Elf Lore 69
Languages - Elven 82, Earthspeech 72

Jurgen - Ogre
Sword of Humakt
INT 12 POW 18 HP 5
Spirit Magic - Bladesharp 4, Fireblade, Shimmer 4
Divine Magic - Berserk, Sever Spirit, Shield x3, Truesword
Skills - Sense Assassin 85, Broadsword 113/102, Undead Lore 71
Languages - Chaospeech 67/-, Tarshite 55/23, Tradetalk 91/81

Unit 118 - Dwarf
Iron Dwarf Sorcerer
INT 12 POW 16 HP 5
Sorcery Magic - Bless Sword 75, Spell Matrix, Stabilize Weapon 91
Skills - Intensity 96, Ease 91, Speed 86, Permanence 95, Metalscribing 81
Languages - Dwarven 99/99, Nilmerg 76/-, Tradetalk 34/-

Sundren - Human
Misrade Fear Master
INT 16 POW 18 HP 5
Spirit Magic - Darkwall, Disruption, Control Passion Spirit, Control Shade,
Second Sight, Summon Passion Spirit
Divine Magic - Divine Fear, Cloak of Illusion, Extension, Fear, Freeze Scene,
Mindlink, Summon Shade
Skills - Intimidate 85, Mutilate 81, Bone carving 77, Climb 98
Languages - Esrolian 81/72, Tradetalk 69/55, Darktongue 61

Bound Spirits Include: 7 INT Spirits (2,3,3,3,4,5,5), 4 Passion Spirits
(Amnesia POW 16, Fear POW 14, Lust POW 16, Pain POW 15), 4 POW Spirits
(11,12,15,19), 3 Wound Spirits (4,4,5).

Sorusk was born around 1135 near the Upland Marsh region, a member of the Brightmane clan. He spent his youth growing up in the Golden Bow cult, eventually rising to become a Bow Master (Rune Priest) of the cult. His future seemed as bright as any he could imagine, until a combination of events (a plague, a drought, and a portentious group of seven horse-riding humans who rode through the clan's lands killing anyone they met) devestated his clan, leaving him and his young son as the sole survivors.

Sorusk, acting on a vision from his god (he thought), took his son with him on a journey north, but his son perished in a fall while crossing the mountains. He camped at the foot of the mountain for nearly six weeks, awaiting a fresh vision, but he came to the attention of the local Grey Sages, who sought him out for news of events on the far side of the mountains.

Sorusk went with them, grudgingly, not trusting humans overmuch, but wound up spending the next fifteen years with the Sages, eventually forsaking his old faith and taking solace in a new one. Where before he sought mastery of his skills in archery, now he sought to know everything that there was to be known. Eventually he learned the nature of the Seven Horsemen who had ridden through his former lands, and while seeking further information on them in what would someday be known as the Risklands, was taken prisoner by a broo raiding party.

As the broos fought over whom among them would have the privelege impregnate so strange a beast, their shaman examined Sorusk with his Second Sight, and finally announced that none of them should have that favor, as the Lords of Chaos had special plans for him. Still, they tied Sorusk down and performed a ritual over him that disfigured him, turning his forelegs and hindlegs into long, sucker tipped tentacles. When he regained consciousness the next morning, the broos were gone, his head ached, and the tentacles remained.

Knowing that he could never return to civilization in his current state, he wandered deeper into Doraster, sinking deeper into depression and madness. It was during his wanderings that he gained the sword Foeslicer, detailed later. He wandered across the sickening terrain in a killing haze, finding no rest until he came across a shrine to Thanatar.

Certainly, he should have known better. After killing the itinerant priest who maintained the shrine, he knelt before it, and claimed it as his own. Several months later, when a party from the main Temple checked in on the shrine, they found Sorusk there, self-initiated, and well on his way to Doomed status. Nevertheless, he was brought before Sallo (not yet of the Sword) and put to a series of tests.

The tests ended not with a verdict, but with a secret deal. In exchange for Foeslicer, Sallo agreed to sanction Sorusk's bid for Doom Lord status, (contingent on Sorusk's continued support), and would reveal to Sorusk the rituals neccessary to continue gaining knowledge forever, i.e. lichedom. Sorusk agreed, and in less than three years, he passed his initiation into the ranks of the Doom Lords, and began his preparations for lichehood.

Sorusk spent the following five years carefully plotting out his desired course, earmarking his sacrifices so as to be as effective as possible once his spirit transcended this mortal coil. Several nights before his 'ascension', he took the heads of two of his fellow Doom Lords (Miguel & Caola), gaining their heads for himself, before sequestering himself in the abandoned west wing of the Temple with his ritual materials and sacrifices. When Sallo returned from the outing that earned him the approbation "Sallo of the Sword", he was greeted by the new, wizened Sorusk, who was the first to address him as such.

Afterwards, Sorusk made the west wing his own domain, and has watched over the centuries as High Priest has replaced High Priest, and fellow Doom Lords have passed by in endless progression. While Kath may rule the Temple now, even she gives the tentacled centaur a wide berth, as he, too, has heard the call of the Heroquest, and is possessed of powers even she is not certain of. She takes little comfort in his seeming lack of further ambitions, as she knows only too well that ambitions can change with time.

And Sorusk has had ALOT of time. He generally takes a single servant, keeps them close to himself for a few years, and in exchange for absolute servitude, gifts said servants with much knowledge. (At least, that's the cover story. Sorusk generally rapes the mind and POW of any servant he gets, and when he is finished with them, they lead short lives afterwards, dying either by "accident" or on the blade of a rival. He would use these servants to create enchantments, as tools to gather information, or as "living experiments" of his sorcery. (One of the heads his fellow Doom Lords had possessed on the night of his ascension had been that of a Vadeli sorcerer; Sorusk does not advertise his knowledge of, let alone his mastery of, sorcery, or the very ancient texts he discovered buried behind a fireplace in the west wing.)).

Sorusk found the aforementioned manuscript about one hundred eighty years ago. Many of the spells it contained were basic spells he knew in slightly different forms, but it was the ancient, lost Ritual of Transformation that gave him a new start. As a liche, he lacked the POW to create fresh enchantments, or to renew the Rune spells from what few heads he'd claim as his own. But the ancient God Learner Ritual changed that forever. Now his need for servants to lend their POW to his enchantments is not so great, and he actually has taught one or two of them something of worth... before killing them/having them killed.

Kath very rarely disturbs Sorusk, but when she does so, Sorusk does his duty with grim resolve. When a group of trolls made camp in the hills nearby, Sorusk led a broo raid on their encampment and utterly destroyed them. Sorusk is not subtle on such missions... he does not appreciate being away from his library, and does whatever he must to insure a speedy return.

Sorusk keeps a private library beneath the solid stone floor of the west wing's basement. The chamber itself is sealed tight; no doors or windows lead to it, and the air within fouled long ago (being undead, Sorusk does not need to breathe). The only sign that the chamber even exists is a circular channel set into the floor (which doubles as one of Sorusk's Homing Circles). The only way to enter the chamber is by way of the ancient Jrusteli Set Phase spell (the stone block outlined by the channel counts as 36 SIZ).


Foeslicer: This bastard sword flickers with an unhealthy radiance, and if held out of it's sheath for an extended period of time will begin to cause the hand that weilds it to char and blister as if it were being held in a fire, even though no heat is felt. By the same token, if left unsheathed and not carried, whatever surface upon which it lies will show signs of corruption and/or extreme age in short order. When used in combat, Foeslicer damages armor first, always doing half the rolled damage to the target's armor's AP, and passing any remaining damage to the target. Armor so affected by Foeslicer actually becomes brittle and will flake away on it's own. If an impale is rolled with Foeslicer, and it becomes stuck in the wound, the location struck will suffer the effects of a Wither spell (see Pocharngo, GoG). Use the rolled damage as the active force vs. the target's magic points. The whereabouts of Foeslicer are currently unknown; Sallo of the Sword fought Ralzalkark with this blade, but it does not appear to have been taken by Ralzalkark after that battle (at least, he hasn't been seen weilding it since).

Heroquest Gains
Diviner - Can sense the presence of water, and can determine it's volume, purity, and motion with absolute certainty.
Spider's Friend - Can see through the eyes of any arachnid within 100m, including scorpionmen. Has no control over the movements of said arachnids, however.
Soul of the Sword - Any bastard sword Sorusk choses to weild can be commanded to become the blade known as Foeslicer. (This being the reason it was never found after Sallo's battle; it had been in Ralzalkark's armory, the blade that sits in it's place there is now a normal sword.)