For a semi-current AD&D version of Varn, click here.
(Even the Core Rules Expansion groans...)
Human Male, Age 742
STR: 20 CON: 15 SIZ 15 INT 15 POW 17 DEX 19 (27) APP: 17
Dmg Bonus: 1d6 Move: 8 PRE: 43 HP: 28
(Varn has had the Armoring Enchantment performed on each of his limbs,
giving him 5 AP in all locations.) Varn also maintains a variety of spells
on himself, and has a number of useful items (see below).
Selected Skills: Climb 109, Dodge 98, Jump 70, Ride 81, Swim 67, Throw 94, Fast Talk 106, Speak Toril Common 84, Speak Oerth Common 72, Speak Elven 73 Animal Lore 84, Craft Courtesan 98, Evaluate 97, First Aid 94, Human Lore 94, Magic Lore 101, Mineral Lore 54, Plant Lore 61, R/W Toril Common 60, R/W Oerth Common 72, World Lore (Oerth) 25, World Lore (Selar) 75, World Lore (Toril) 94, World Lore (YK) 55, Conceal 109, Devise 99, Sleight 155, Juggling 114, Sword Swallowing 98, Listen 101, Scan 92, Search 103, Track 59, Disguise 74, Hide 81, Sneak 86, Ceremony 98, Enchant 74, Summon 89, 1H Sword 222/246, Main Gauche 127/164, Thrown Dagger 254, Submachinegun 95.
Sorcery Arts Known: Intensity, Range, Multispell, Maintain, Accuracy, Ease, Force, Hold, Permanence, Reinforce, Speed
Sorcery Spell Skills: Animate Wood 41, Animate Stone 72, Animate Iron 39, Attract Missiles 57, Block Pagan 91, Boost Damage 77, Boost STR 89, Boost DEX 76, Boost Agility 56, Boost Attack 80, Boost Stealth 45, Bridge 93, Call Bonded Object 49, Call Horse 45, Call Pegasi 49, Castback 70, Cloak Vision 85, Disguise 78, Dominate Horse 76, Dominate Dog 42, Evoke Fire 99, Evoke Wind 59, Hex of Desire 91, Neutralize Damage 92, Neutralize Magic 64, Night Eyes 68, Resist Damage 72, Resist Magic 46, Reverse Missile 68, Stupefy 75, Suppress Sorcery 49, Teleport 59.
Ritual Spells Known: Bond Object, Homing Circle, Immortality, Spell Matrix, Warp Enchantment
Commonly Maintained Spells: Castback 7 Per7, Resist Magic 10, Reverse Missile 7 Per7, Boost Attack 6 Per6, Resist Damage 8 Per8, Boost Damage 6 Ms2 Per6, Boost DEX 16, Night Eyes 7 Per7, Immortality 15 Per15, (Stoneskin).
Commonly Held Spells: Evoke Fire 7 Rng 2 Frc 4 H7, Evoke Fire 5 Rng 2 Frc 3 H5 Ms5, Call Object 4 Rng 2 H4 (Sword of Damocles), Neutralize Magic 7 H7
Initiate 4th Grade: Twin's POW: 11 - Injunctions Known: Intensity, Multiplicity, Hold
Magica Skills: Magery 83, Abate 51
Magica Spells: 1Magic Missile 89, 1Shocking Grasp 63, 1Mount 73, 2Improved Magic Missile 86, 2Snilloc's Snowball Swarm 58, 2Wizard Lock 56, 3Fireball 99, 3Maladweomer 98, 3Tenser's Deadly Strike 86, 4Stoneskin 93 4Conjure Cabinet 90, 4Fireshield 72, 5Cone of Cold 72, 5Azure Flame 98, 5Wall of Force 81, 6Protection from Magic 78.
Offensive: Varn loves blades, and it shows. He carries a variety of throwing daggers and knives, a Sword of Dancing (+5), as well as the fabled Sword of Damocles (see below). Where applicable, he carries a machine pistol, a MAC-10, though in many Realms this device does not function.
Miscellaneous: Varn has picked up a variety of useful trinkets over the years. Those that see the most use have been chalk, marbles, a glasscutter, and a magical bag of holding. He also has a good supply of wands, including Lightning, Fireballs, Illusion, and Darkness. Around his waist he wears a magical girdle of Stone Giant Strength, which gives him his above normal strength.
The Sword of Damocles was actually created for Varn by another mage, but has acquired a variety of abilities thru further enchantments, heroquesting, etc., over the years. It is a crystalline longsword, with the following properties/powers:
Can double the DEX of the weilder for 15 minutes each day (which in conjunction with my initiative rules makes it killer!), when used in a weapon display (a ritualized type of 'sword dance' used to demonstrate one's skill) the crystal of the blade will leave behind a hypnotic afterimage that will enthrall onlookers if they fail to make a resistance roll vs. a POT of 24.
When used in a 'defensive spin' (a type of flashy weapon display for defensive purposes) anyone trying to attack the weilder takes damage equal to half the POW of the weilder to a random hit location (armor applies) and must also make a Resistance roll against the sword's enthrall power as above.
When used in an 'offensive spin', the resistance roll against the sword's enthrall power is vs a POT of 30. On top of all the above, the sword has been enchanted to have a strike rank modifier of -3, so if you had a melee SRM of 4 and weilded this sword, you'd attack on SR 1. Varn also commonly maintains Damage Boost 6 on this weapon and on one of his daggers.
Armor of Damocles
The Armor of Damocles is made from the hide of black dragon, providing the wearer with proof against acid attacks. In addition, it has been enchanted to provide complete protection against normal missiles, to allow the user to Jump (as per the spell), act freely despite restraints (as the spell, Free Action), Levitate, become Invisible, and even provides air under water or in the stellar void. It has 8 AP naturally, and has been enchanted tp provide a total of 12 AP, and +4 to all saving rolls.
Varn was the son of a minor nobleman and the household scullery maid; tolerated, but not in line to inherit any of his father's wealth. Left home at the age of 16 to join a travelling circus, where he became adept at such skills as sword swallowing, knife throwing, sword dancing, and other martial displays. Later joined up with a band of adventurers while performing solo at a local Emporer's palace (rumors of a certain nobleman's wife being linked to the dashing young performer were never proven).
Varn somehow came to the attention of Mystra, the Goddess of Magic, who for reasons of her own sought him out as a consort and a temporary vessel for her power (when SHE wanted, not when HE wanted, mind you). Several years of generic world saving and world-hopping followed, and eventually this band of heroes achieved their goals (and Varn got a much desired divorce!).
Varn was not happy retiring at age 38, so he resumed his travels from world to world. Unknown to him, he is still protected by his ex-wife's aura, thus he maintains a useless Immortality spell on himself thinking it's necessary. He is aware that he's still immune to fire-based magic. One one of the worlds he visited, he studied the powers of psionics, and on yet another, sorcery. Wherever he goes, if he remains for any length of time, he eventually sets up a House (of courtesans) and delves into politics, using 'pillowtalk' gleaned by his girls to his advantage.
Varn Damocles is 6', 220 lbs, dark of hair and eyes. Generally wears a neatly trimmed beard, dark clothing, and a cloak the color of clotted blood. He is painfully direct; he never prevaricates, and is never afraid to say exactly what's on his mind or to ask for what he feels he deserves. He has a deep appreciation of pleasure, tempered with a fine business sense (his Houses are always successful... even if he doesn't "personally train" his artists, he has an eye for talent, and it shows. (On worlds where Uleria is known, he's a devout member).
In combat, the showman he was in his youth shines through, as he parries for several rounds before launching his final assaults, after having taken the time to explain to his opponent exactly how and when they will die.
In magic... he is a demon. He casts spells carefully, with an eye towards balance, and with a cold calculation as to when and where the fewest magic points will do the greatest good. He's aware of the spells he is immune to, and is unafraid to stand at the center of such spells and watch the world cook around him.