Skills worth noting: Climb 67%, Dodge 50%, Ride 32%, Swim 58%, Fast Talk 73%, Sing 57%, Speak Own (Chola) 72%, Animal Lore 91%, Woodcarving 62%, Evaluate 72%, 1st Aid 52%, Human Lore 93%, Mineral Lore 62%, Mythos Lore 32%, Plant Lore 89%, R/W Chola 70%, World Lore 98%, Conceal 62%, Play Guitar 93%, Listen 62%, Scan 73%, Search 82%, Hide 63%, Sneak 71% Rapier 101%/98%, Fist 93%/79%, Kick 95%/, Grapple 75%/, Thrown Dagger 79%, Ceremony 126%, Enchant 89%, Summon 133%.
Spells Known: Animate Dead 107%, Attract Missiles 137%, Bless Sword 126%, Block Pagan 128%, Boost Damage 129%, Bridge 120%, Castback 125%, Cloak Vision 125%, Conceal Magic 83%, Dominate Horse 115%, Dominate POW Spirit 126%, Dominate INT Spirit 93%, Evoke Flame 109%, Evoke Lightning 113%, Fade 81%, Freshen Presence 119%, Neutralize Damage 100%, Neutralize Magic 146%, Palsy 101%, Phantom Sight 128%, Phantom Sound 104%, Phantom Touch 112%, Project Sight 105%, Project Touch 144%, Resist Damage 97%, Resist Magic 145%, Resist Psi 68%, Set Phase 73%, Skin of Life 127%, Suppress Pagan 103%, Suppress Psi 70%, Transform to Hawk 88%, Venom 132%,
Ritual Spells Known: Call Deer, Magic Point Matrix, Spell Matrix, Summon POW Spirit, Summon INT Spirit
"Other" Spells Known: Summon (Byakhee, Dimensional Shambler), Bind (Byakhee, Dimensional Shambler), Contact Cyeagha, Create Gate.
Arts Known: Intensity, Range, Multispell, Accuracy, Ease, Hold, Permanence
Vows taken: High Vow, Vessel, Lore Mastery, Abjure Armor, Never Kill an Elf, Shun Tap
Commonly Maintained Spells: Project Sight (R8), Boost Damage, Skin of Life, Resist Damage, Resist Psionics, Resist Magic, Reverse Missile, Castback
Commonly Held Spell: Evoke Lightning 9, Accuracy 3, Multispell 3.
Possessions: Guitar (contains several spell matrices, MP matrices, binding enchantments, etc). Enchanted Rapier (effectively subtracts 1 from the user's strike rank to hit), numerous other rings, tatoos, etc. holding his magic.
Vincent is 5' 8", of fair build, with green eyes and sandy hair, and generally goes clean shaven. He keeps his clothing in good repair while travelling (he loathes dirt, truth be known), and relishes fine clothing when his situation permits it.
Vincent generally travels as a minstrel, preferring to hide the fact that he is an Adept. Has a weakness for fine wines and exotic women, and has been known to charm his way into the houses of noblemen with his musical talents and to later steal away with their daughters or wives (seldom for ransom, though). His familiars are varied; he usually maintains at least 2 herd-men, chosen as much for their good health as they are for close resemblance to Vincent himself; he often uses them as false trails away from himself, or as his own way of being in two places at once.
Vincent is fascinated by secrets 'better left unknown'. and is actively involved in seeking greater knowledge. He is utterly pragmatic, and would rather find ways to make his enemies serve his ends than waste time dueling with them outright (i.e. setting two enemies into conflict with each other, occupying and weakening them simultaneously).
He is also a priest of Cyeagha, the Tentacled Eye, and has been known to act in the service of Tsothugga, as well. Vincent was last seen on the world known as Oerth, gloating his victory over the priests of the demon-prince Mabelrode in beating them to the magickal prison Tsothugga had been bound in.
(Several of Vincent's spells are either my own creations, those of Sandy
Petersen, the folks on previous RQ Digests, or a gent by the name of Micheal
DeWolfe, who wrote a series of articles on RQ sorcery for Dragon magazine
back in 1988.)