... The night the sky fell ...
Kalik, halfling initiate of Avoreen;
Milik, halfling sorcerer;
Kendradell, female half-elf bard &
initiate of Lydia;
Nikolai, suloise human acolyte of Lendor;
Marcus, half-elf acolyte of Hieroneous;
Tarqualan, high elf mystic;
Naazi, centaur mystic and initiate of Tritherion;
and introducing;
Talon Bloodfist, (a different) dwur initiate of Clangeddin.
[26th of Harvester, 578]
As we left off last week, Milik had been studying a variety of old records at the College of Wizardry's library when he received a summons from someone he felt was distinctly high up in the school's administration. He soon found himself before a mage by the name of Farcius, who seemed quite intent on the nature of Milik's adventures over the past year or so.
Since Milik declined to mention it, Farcius eventually steered the subject of their conversation around to the Temple of Tharizdun they'd explored in the southern Yatils, and what they'd seen there. After hearing Milik's account of the affair, he introduced Milik to Talon Bloodfist, a dwur who had until very recently been a prisoner held by the forces who held the temple, but had escaped when a small uprising among his fellow inmates gave him the opportunity. Unlike the rest of the prisoners, however, Talon had discovered a previously unknown route out of (and it was presumed back into) the temple.
Farcius offered Talon as a possible companion for Milik's group, should they find that their paths should once more lead to the reactivated temple. By means of incentive, Milik was offered unrestricted access to the library. When asked how (and why) this offer was being made, Farcius admitted that his master, who preferred to remain nameless at this time, was a member of a group dedicated to preserving the 'status quo' of the Flanaess, and that he was willing to aid anyone who seemed likely to be able to disrupt the plans of those who were currently disrupting and agitating the North.
Milik finally agreed to present Talon to his companions, though many were skeptical about admitting another dwur to their party after the way their previous dwurin companion had behaved.
Now, over the previous few days, most all of the initiated members of the party had gone to their respective temples, praying for insight into the events they were embroiled in. The night before Milik met with Farcius and Talon, each member of the party had apocalyptic visions of a similar theme (see the links, above, by each character's name).
[The game broke up at this point so that half of us could participate in a meeting for about an hour...]
As the party met in a nearby tavern at Milik's request, those who had dreamed the night before shared their experiences. When Talon arrived, it seemed that he too had had a dream the prior night, that seemed to have elements similar to those of those whose company he sought. In most dreams, it was clear that some portentious event would take place in less than a year's time, on the 11th of Goodmonth, the darkest night of the year.
After much discussion, and a relentless grilling of Talon by the party, it was decided that in light of what each of their gods had chosen to show them, that a return to the temple might indeed be in order, even if it was the last place most of them wished to go. And so, after several more days of preparation, the company rode out of Greyhawk city and north-east, turning north into Furyondy as the days passed.
As they rode northwards, they soon learned that having been thrice repulsed, King Belvor himself was raising levies and had authorized the various knighthoods and martial priesthoods of his realm to assemble together to bring an end to the madness that was taking shape in the Clatspur Gap...
[11th of Patchwall, 578]